PROJECT 2 Autecological studies Project: Autecology of Curlew in Ireland
Since 2019 we have been involved in a variety of projects examining the ecology and behaviour of breeding and wintering Curlew in Ireland. This species is highly threatened and in previous years Kendrew co-ordinated a NI-wide survey
Several projects are ongoing including:
(a) Ecology of breeding Curlew in SW Lough Neagh (2019-2021).
This project is funded by Heritage Lottery via the Lough Neagh Partnership’s Saving Nature project, NIEA and supported by RSPB and involves GPS tracking breeding Curlew (to locate and then protect nests, and examine territory use and movements), nest monitoring, assessing productivity and threats to it.
Density kernel map showing usage of areas by GPS tracked adult Curlew in SW L Neagh in 2020
(b) GPS tracking breeding Curlew in the Republic of Ireland (2020-2021)
Following from pilot work funded by Donegal Co Co and NPWS via a grant to BirdWatch Ireland, we have caught and GPS tagged breeding Curlew at two sites in Donegal to support work of the Curlew Conservation Programme (CCP) here. As with the Lough Neagh project, this has enabled the project team to identify and protect nests from mammalian predators and identify the most important foraging and resting areas to underpin local conservation planning.
In 2021 KRC are assisting roll out this project elsewhere in the Republic of Ireland, using their specialist experience with catching and tagging (licences from government and BTO) to support studies with the CCP across Ireland and the EU Curlew EIP project led by BirdWatch Ireland.
Hatching Curlew chick - picture copyright Kendrew Colhoun

GPS tagged male Curlew – picture copyright Kendrew Colhoun

GPS tagged male Curlew – picture copyright Kendrew Colhoun